Friday, September 21, 2012

Review: The Deposit Slip by Todd M. Johnson

A couple of months ago, I posted for the CFBA information about The Deposit Slip by Todd M. Johnson. I finished reading it shortly thereafter, but the book sits in my pile of books that need reviews written. :( Today, I'm ready to make some comments about it (and then put in my hubby's TBR stack.)

As a reminder to the story: Erin Larson is running out of options. In the wake of her father's death, she found a slim piece of paper—a deposit slip—with an unbelievable amount on it. Only the bank claims they have no record of the money, and trying to hire a lawyer has brought only intimidation and threats. Erin's last chance is Jared Neaton—who is doing everything he can to scrape by.

He's not sure if Erin's case is worth the risk, but if the money is real, all his problems could vanish. When digging deeper unleashes something far more dangerous than just threats, both Jared and Erin must decide the cost they're willing to pay to discover the truth.

Margie's Comments: This book held my attention until the end, to the point of staying up late the last night in order to finish—an unusual happening anymore. I have way too many books needing review, so that if a book doesn't hold my attention, I put it down to finish reading later. I don't even know how many books are in that category. (SMILES) So . . . that said, I enjoyed this legal thriller. The unusual circumstance, the opposition from the bank and their lawyers, and the characters themselves appealed to me. The characters are ones I would love to know in real life. Their interactions with each other, their needing to deal with their past as a result of this circumstance, and their tenacity in the face of utter defeat encouraged me to continue on in my own set of "impossible" circumstances. Their reliance on God's grace and strength and provision to see them through is a major theme in the book. So if you like legal thrillers, I highly recommend The Deposit Slip by Todd M. Johnson.

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